Wetsuits recommendations for short women


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Under the sea
I’d like to ask if anybody out there has wetsuit brand recommendations that could be a good fit for my wife who is pretty short.

While I know specific body measurements are important; I’d appreciate any input with relatable experience. She is 4’11”, average/athletic build, and I think about 120 lbs.
I have the opposite problem being tall and really thin. Look at childrens larges. But the only real way to get a wetsuit is to actually go to a store and try them on.

At that height Id expect to have to roll up sleeves and legs.
Yeah; she’s quite familiar with checking children sizes. I think she usually fits as a children’s medium/small for other clothing items. But for wetsuit that is designed to be a snug fit on the entire body, it can be a challenge.

And yes; that’s a solution for the legs and arms. But then she still has a flab of extra neoprene around the torso. It would be so much easier to just find a wetsuit that can meet us halfway towards a good fit.