
ripped tide

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When I started this tank, I was using all Aquavitro products aside from the salt: fuel, 8.4, balance, calcification and ions.

When the tank first started up, the pH always stayed around 8.0-8.2 with out buffering it. I started adding eight.four just to boost it up and add extra alk. after using the product for a week or two, my pH wouldn't go above 7.8 unless it was right after i dosed. I continued to use the product and continued to notice that it would raise the pH for a while and drop it. This resulted in me having to use it much more frequently and my alk went through the roof! So i started using balance to try to keep the pH high with out raising the alk. I still had the same kind of seesaw results. The pH would go up after dosing and drop back down shortly after. I've switched to other products that have produced great results.

I noticed that the day after I dosed fuel (its recommended to dose twice a week, I was dosing once a week) I would have a HUGE diatom outbreak that would last for a few days. I stopped using it and the outbreaks went away.

The calcification did its job and raised and maintained the calcium, until halfway through the bottle, it turned into a chunky mess, having a consistency similar to spoiled milk. I was going to give it another try, but when I went to purchase another bottle I was very unhappy with what i found. Out off the 6 bottles (we opened and looked in all of them) of calcification that the LFS had, all 6 of them had a dark sediment/residue built up on the bottom, they were all different colors and each bottle had a different odor. I understand that the bottle says that each batch will have a different color, but my question is why? In a hobby where consistency is SOO important, why can't these products be consistently made? And whats with the sediment and different odors?

I had/have no problem with ions.

I decided that it was time to change things up and give Aquavitro a break aside from Ions. I began to drip vinegar titrated kalk to maintain my calcium and pH. It worked PERFECTLY

I've been dripping kalk for about three months and my corals and coraline are growing and doing great. About a week ago, i found that my tank was consuming the calcium from kalk faster than I could drip it. Still having faith in seachem, I picked up a small bottle of Reef Calcium. Last night i added the recommended dose: 1 cap for every 20 gallons. My corals all closed up and seemed a little irritated. This can be normal when adding supplements, so i just shrugged to off. This morning when i woke up, and the lights came on, EVERYTHING WAS BROWN!!! I freaked! After calming down, I realized that most of the corals were open, but not as bright as usual and the glass had a brown residue/film on the inside. I got it all off but the water had a brown hue. The skimmer had been going crazy. In one night, I went from having a crystal clear beautiful tank to a brown tank with "muddy" water. I changed out my carbon and went to work. When i came home, most of the coloration had been removed (thanks rox 0.8) but there is still an over all yellow hue.

Are all my fish alive? Yes. Are all of the corals open and happy? Most of them. Will I ever add any of those products again? I'm a little turned off. 2 years ago, I would have recommended seachem over ANY other brand out there, but something has changed. I don't know if the bad economy is resulting in the purchase of cheaper, lower quality raw materials or what, but I would rather support a company that keeps their products consistent. I won't even go into the numerous controversial posts about the Salinity Salt.

I'm not trying to gun down the company, and maybe my situation was all just coincidental, but dang! I know that seachem holds their products to a high standard, but quality control is a MUST! If there is an issue with certain products having limited shelf lives, then that should be stated on the bottle in bold print. If your calcium has different colors and a sediment on the bottom, don't use white bottles where it is easily seen or maybe figure a way to keep it from varying. If a bucket of salinity has a bunch of different components that can settle during shipping, tell the consumer to roll or tumble the bucket in big bold letters(most people don't read small print instructions). These problems can be avoided.
I'm not a spokesperson for Seachem. Just an FYI though, a portion of their staff is presently in FL at a trade show. I'll see them later today, I'll alert them to this thread so they can address it but it may be Monday or Tuesday before they reply. It's only because they're "on the road" that this may take a few days.

WOW and I thought I was the only one having issues with seachem products, I really thought I was doing something wrong, I replaced my RO/DI filters, purchased new test kits and still was having problems with algae bloom and cyano growth on the sand bed and I just couldn't figure what was causing these issues. I made a change from seachem to brightwell product about 3 weeks ago and things are clearing up. I thought I may have been using some outdated product but I'm beginning to wonder if maybe there are more issues with seachem than just a bad salt product named salinity but maybe they are experiencing problems
My reply got deleted when your first thread did. I had same issue boots. Cyno and brown algae everywhere. Even covering the rock work and it happened while the tank was baron of fish and next to no food added. (Maybe a pinch of cyclopeze a couple times a week for the LPS) Fuel was the only thing being used other than that.
I'm pretty militant about keeping NO3 and PO4 at zero. And they always tested zero yet I was having massive issues that would indicate params were a problem."></a>
I happened upon this article last week and took it with a grain of salt because it didn't sound that bad. But, after seeing the exact same issues with others around here I'm pretty convinced of what the issue is.
Hummm, i switched to salinity i guess 6 weeks ago and have done 3 water changes. Before hand i was using lfs water with really no problems. After getting a 5 stage rodi and using salinity i have experienced some type of green algae that is thick like spaghetti. Tested my water today ph is 8.4 ammonia nitrite and nitrate undectable. I also have a "dust" like substance on the glass and powerheads. Maybe something is going on here.
winkkle;690033 wrote: Hummm, i switched to salinity i guess 6 weeks ago and have done 3 water changes. Before hand i was using lfs water with really no problems. After getting a 5 stage rodi and using salinity i have experienced some type of green algae that is thick like spaghetti. Tested my water today ph is 8.4 ammonia nitrite and nitrate undectable. I also have a "dust" like substance on the glass and powerheads. Maybe something is going on here.

You don't think there might be a corralation between your issues beginning 3 water changes ago and the salt your using. I personally have gone back to reef crystals in fact I placed an order for 3 - 200 gallon boxes with Jenn at Imagine Ocean this past week. I considered trying Pro Salt but decided not to do anymore experimenting with next greatest gimmick but go back to a tried and true product I have used for years without any issues.
im through with seachem salts be it the mag not desolving the white stuf on top of the water you half to remove after mixing my corals dont expand for a day or 2 after water changes.i dont have these issues with eny other salts and there sup. line just sucks algi out break after every dose soon as im finshed with this bucket of salinity im gowing back to brightwell products wish i never changed
Please be cautious how y'all word things. I want the company to have a chance to give their insight and not get the thread deleted before then.

Edit: Please be cautious how y'all word things. I want the company to have a chance to give their insight and not get the thread deleted before then.
falos;690113 wrote: im through with seachem salts be it the mag not desolving the white stuf on top of the water you half to remove after mixing my corals dont expand for a day or 2 after water changes.i dont have these issues with eny other salts and there sup. line just sucks algi out break after every dose soon as im finshed with this bucket of salinity im gowing back to brightwell products wish i never changed

You might want to change occupations, it is interfering with your ability to write a coherent sentence.
kinda hard to type on a 2'' keyboard and im a master stone mason as my job
I don't know if seachem has become a publicly traded company and are worried about investors or what has happened to this once very dependable aquarium supplement company but it most certainly is not producing the dependable products it was even a year ago. I too have thrown in the towel on purchasing and using seachem products I have way too many years and way too much money invested in my aquatic pets to let sub par and undependable batches of product destroy it all.
I read all the rebuttals from seachem on the salinity thread and never saw or read anything that would explain what the issues are with their salt product or to convince me to give salinity another chance.